Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summit of the Americas 2009 and Migration

The Follow-up and Implementation Mandates of the Summit 2009 on Migration includes "22.We recognize that remittances are an important source of capital in many countries of the Hemisphere. We commit to take concrete actions to promote the establishment, as soon as possible, of necessary conditions, in order to achieve the goal of reducing by at least half the regional average cost of these transfers no later than 2008 and report on progress achieved at the next Summit of the Americas in Argentina in 2005. We will adopt, as needed or appropriate, measures such as: the promotion of competition between the providers of these services, the elimination of regulatory obstacles and other restrictive measures that affect the cost of these transfers, as well as the use of new technologies, while maintaining effective financial oversight (Declaration of Nuevo León)."
The Action Plan also includes: "196.Create and harmonize statistical information systems and foster the sharing of information and best practices through the use of new information and communications technologies, with the aim of promoting the modernization of migration management;(Plan of Action Québec)."
Looking forward to learn of what steps are taken to follow up on this action plan!

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