Friday, March 28, 2008

Back to Diaspora Cafe!

Well, the past 3 months have been so hectic that could not find the time to upload all the great stuff I have come across about what is happening in the Diaspora discussion world. In these past three months, while years were changing, I went home (that always means Argentina), launched a new blog with a group of motivated friends and family: to bring awareness about the environmental issues of Mayu Sumaj, Cordoba, Argentina. Also packed 32 boxes with my husband and had a a wonderful and moving farewell from colleagues and dear friends in Washington, DC. And got into a plane in a sunset towards the old Europe and the new town that now is hosting me, The Hague. Now still finding the way around here. There are two Argentine Diaspora organizations: Fundacion Argentino Holandesa de Solidaridad and Fundacion El Desafio. There is also a mailing list that has helped me get a sense of what Argentines around here do, say and think, and to meet some of them. Still and understandably the Argentine diaspora here is much smaller than in the US and many other countries. Will see how active!

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